Mommy + Me Portraits | May 2021

Each Spring our dear family photographer (and sweet friend), Courtney Malone, hosts Mommy + Me Mini Sessions. This year was such a special season to have photos taken — being pregnant with Everett while soaking in the last days as a momma to just Addie Grace. These photos are such a special gift to me as I remember this season!

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Our Bright and Colorful Art Corner - Arts + Crafts Storage for Toddlers

As Addilyn has gotten older, she has become more and more interested in arts and crafts! Coloring, painting, stickers, glue, pompoms — you name it, she loves it. We have had such a special time together getting to work on art projects and grow her creativity, so it only felt natural to create a little space for the toddler arts and crafts storage. This bright and colorful craft corner has become one of our favorite spots in our home!

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Our Ultimate Guide to Flexible Meal Planning [Free Ebook Download]

We've been married for just about 3 years and our meal planning approach has grown and changed so much during that short time! For our current season of life, we needed to come up with a flexible meal planning system that could stretch along with our busy lives, but also, offered some sort of structure. We've developed a system that keeps us from overspending on groceries, allows us to be flexible, and doesn't leave us asking "what's for dinner tonight?"

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Addilyn's First Bee-Day

I am so excited to share all of the bee & beehive-themed craft, recipe, and party ideas! This is a cute first birthday party idea for a little girl or boy. Bee-themed party favors, bee-themed cake, bee-themed snacks — this party was the most fun to plan and put together! Addilyn’s first birthday party was one to remember.

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Our Favorite Easter Books | 2021

One of my very favorite things I’ve gotten to do through parenting in the last few years is grow our family library! Especially with books that tell the story of God’s heart for His people.

This list of books is some of the ones that I am keeping front and center on our shelf through Easter time, but are an incredible resource throughout the entire year. They tell the story of Jesus and His work on the cross!

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Our Colorful Playroom

I get SO many questions about the items in our playroom. It was truly my favorite room in our house to design! It is colorful, cute and FUNCTIONAL. Because I get asked so often, I am sharing a list of links here!

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Kieran HookerComment
Addilyn's 18-Month Heirloom Portraits

From the second I held Addilyn on the day she was born, I became keenly aware of how quickly the moments would pass. Especially in these little years, the days seem to blur together. Each morning snuggle, messy snack, and bedtime story brings a reminder of how quickly everything changes. A reminder that these moments are fleeting + sacred. These photos help us never struggle to remember just how precious these days are!

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Hooker Family Self-Portraits | November 2020

I kept telling Erick that I just wanted ONE photo of us all smiling at the camera. That’s a hard feat when there’s no one jumping up and down behind it trying to get Addie’s attention! When we got home and I started clicking through the photos... I realized that these are a TREASURE. We have years and years ahead of us where we’ll get a simple, smiling family photo. But we won’t always have a fiery, energetic, silly toddler with a BIG personality! She is a joy and a delight in this season — these photos honestly capture what she’s like 24/7. We are so lucky to get to call this sweetest, angel girl ours!

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Friendcation 2020 | Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina

Our first annual friend vacation! Well, hopefully we make it an annual thing. ;-) It’s been a looong time since Erick and I have gotten to go on a trip simple for pleasure. Not work-related, not to visit family… just to get away! When we were chatting with our friends, we all agreed we needed a little reset (it’s been a crazy year, to say the least). We picked a random weekend in November, booked an Air B&B and went!

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Addilyn Grace’s Twelfth Month

Sitting in my car waiting to walk into Addilyn’s 12 month doctors appointment seems like the right time to post her 12 month update! I know I say this every month... but this has been the MOST fun month yet! Addilyn has always had a fun + bright personality, but this month it has been showcased more than ever. She is the silliest + most fun baby ever!

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What’s the Deal with Beautycounter?

A few months ago when we started becoming more aware of what was in our products + decided to start making some changes, I knew that the first swap I wanted to make was skincare. I have faithfully followed a skincare routine since middle school. Seriously! Since these were my most consistently used products, I knew I wanted to take the time to find a really good replacement.

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Kieran HookerComment
Addilyn Grace's Eleventh Month

Somehow each month goes by quicker than the last. And here we are... 11 months old. 😭❤️ Addilyn is a busy, busy, busy baby! She is fast + confident. Recently has discovered she loves to climb! (This includes climbing on her nugget, the coffee table, kitchen cabinets, her dresser + the walls... yes, we’ve bolted down everything. 😂)

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