Why We Do This

Erick and I have had many conversations about why we do this… mostly, we’ve landed on, “why not?” We can make room in our home, hearts, and schedule… so why wouldn’t we? God has asked us to lay down our lives for the sake of His children, so we do, quite literally. Inviting them into our day to day life, loving them however they need.

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Theodore's 18-Month Heirloom Portraits

Our third child to have their 18-month heirloom photos done with Courtney. This tradition is so precious to us — such a treasured way to freeze time and remember their little faces at this age! Looking at these photos of Teddy feels extra surreal because when he was born, we had no clue he’d be a part of our family forever. So grateful to be his parents!

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Fall Family Photos | October 2023

When we adopted Teddy, we were gifted a photo session to use for documenting our new family member! We were so excited to schedule this session in the fall for Christmas card photos. We ended up taking foster placement of two sisters, and were able to snap a few photos including them. So grateful for the timing to be able to document our family in this season!

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The Ultimate Baby Registry Guide

Talk to any first-time momma and they'll agree that finding the perfect items to add to a baby registry can be such a CHALLENGE! After looking at all of the many brands, products, reviews, opinions... creating a baby registry can be overwhelming and intimidating. When we created our registry we didn’t know which items were worth splurging on and which we could go without. If I were to do it over knowing what I know now, I would have created my registry so differently! (Hindsight is always 2020, right ;-) )

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Everett's 18-Month Heirloom Portraits

We’ve had these photos on the calendar for months and months. We had heirloom photos done for Addie when she was 18 months old, so we knew we wanted to have them done for Rhett! He is our rainbow baby boy, long-awaited and prayed for. He is so precious to us and I’m so thankful to have these images to remember this season of his life!

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Our New Home | January 2023

It’s been a year of challenges and change and growth. Finding rhythms as a mother of two. Then of three. Entering a new world with caseworkers and documentation and WIC and Medicaid and early intervention and physical therapy and feeding therapy. Navigating loss and grief. Learning how to carry both sorrow and joy together.

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