Our New Home | January 2023

Photos by Erin Turner Photography

Another year under our belt. And what a year it was.

I started off the first week of January in a brand new role of stay-at-home-mom. Then in the Spring, we welcomed a sweet three-day-old boy into our home with less than 24 hours of notice. A few months later, in the early Summer, we found out we were expecting the sweetest baby girl. Later in the Summer, we helped my mom pack up our childhood home and moved her down to the Upstate to be closer to all of us. Then, at the start of Fall, we lost my dad in a tragic accident. Come the late Fall, we unexpectedly found our dream home and in the early Winter, we packed up to move ourselves 25 minutes down the road.

It’s been a year of challenges and change and growth. Finding rhythms as a mother of two. Then of three. Entering a new world with caseworkers and documentation and WIC and Medicaid and early intervention and physical therapy and feeding therapy. Navigating loss and grief. Learning how to carry both sorrow and joy together.

I asked Erick how he would describe this past year, and he said — “2022 has been a year of unexpected transitions. There have been transitions with blessings and with sadness. Through it all, I think we’ve recognized the importance of sticking together. Being for each other and with each other.”

So grateful to have these images to remember this season in our new home!