What’s the Deal with Beautycounter?

If you’re connected with me on Instagram, you’ve seen that we’ve been making a lot of switches + using products that are healthier, safer and made with natural ingredients! If you’re new here + have no clue what I’m talking about, you can read all about what we’re doing it and why here. Our goal is to eliminate toxins in our home wherever we can and live a cleaner, healthier and more ‘whole’ life!

Since I’ve started sharing about this, I’ve gotten so many encouraging messages from people who are on the same journey + have given some great advice and product recommendations! Along with those messages, I’ve also been getting a lot of questions from people who are curious to learn more about what we’re doing. 

I get a particularly large number of messages whenever I mention a Beautycounter product! A lot of people are curious about what it is, wondering what products I’m using, why I chose their brand for skincare — overall wondering, ‘what’s the deal with Beautycounter?’ So, I wanted to take some time to write a post answering that exact question!

Why I Started Using Beautycounter

A few months ago when we started becoming more aware of what was in our products + decided to start making some changes, I knew that the first swap I wanted to make was skincare. I have faithfully followed a skincare routine since middle school. Seriously! Even when I had a newborn at home + hadn’t showered in days… My skincare routine was still a priority. Since these were my most consistently used products, I knew I wanted to take the time to find a really good replacement. 

Around the same time, I started looking, one of my friends started sharing on their Instagram about Beautycounter. I decided to do some research on the company and their products and found some amazing information! I stumbled upon their ‘never list’ - a list of 1,800 questionable or harmful chemicals they vow to never use in their products (many of which are in leading skincare brands’ products!). Along with being very impressed with their clean ingredients, mission, and advocacy work, I found some close friends who use and love the products from Beautycounter. So, I decided I wanted to give it a try.  

I will admit, Beautycounter is a bit of an investment — as are most high-end skincare lines. But, I decided if I was going to give their products a try, I wanted to give it a fair shot and try a full set. Rather than making my judgement of their brand from one single product, I wanted to swap my whole skincare routine! I made it a priority and saved some spending money for a few months in order to do this. 

When I was finally ready to purchase, I chatted back and forth with a consultant trying to figure out how to get the best deal for everything I wanted. I knew there was a 20% code for first-time customers, but I was curious to see if I could save more! Here’s the funny thing… I ended up enrolling as a consultant! By enrolling as a consultant, I could get a “starter” set (which consisted of allll of the products I wanted to try!) for 40% off retail price. And on top of that, I would be able to get a discount whenever I purchased in the future. 

When I got my products in the mail + started using the, I quickly fell in love with the quality. So as I’ve been sharing about some of the product swaps I’m making, Beautycounter has naturally come up because it’s what I’m using + loving for my skincare!

But, I know a lot of people have different perceptions + misperceptions about what Beautycounter is. I decided I wanted to share this post and speak formally to what exactly Beautycounter is! 

What is Beautycounter? 

Beautycounter is a clean beauty company. They sell high-end skincare, makeup, hair care, body care and men’s products and kids’ products!

If you read this blog post of mine, you know that the personal care industry in the US has very few regulations about what can be put into products. Beautycounter was founded with the specific goal to lead the entire beauty industry to safer products through advocacy work + by upping safety standards! (remember the ‘Never List’ I mentioned earlier?) But not only are their products clean, they are extremely high-preforming! The founder of Beautycounter knew that if she was going to lead an industry change, her products needed to work just as well (if not better!) than other leading skin care brands.

‘But isn’t Beautycounter one of those MLM companies?’ While Beautycounter is considered a Direct Retail company, they are unique from others like this because you can purchase their products through multiple different avenues! You can go to Beautycounter.com and shop directly online, you can visit Beautycounter stores to shop, or, you can shop through a consultant! When you visit the Beautycounter website to shop, you don’t need a special link or code or membership — you just shop. Just like you would on Sephora or Ulta!

When you shop online, there will be a question at checkout that asks if you want to connect your order to a consultant. You can simply click no and go on with your order and it’ll ship to your door! Simple. Or, if there is someone who introduced you to Beautycounter or who has been answering your questions, you can click yes, type in their name and they’ll get commission from your purchase!

When you connect your purchase to a consultant, it doesn’t change anything about your order. It doesn’t sign you up for anything, register you for an auto-ship program, or cost extra  — the consultant simply gets commission! So you may wonder, just like I did... Why does Beautycounter have consultants at all? If you can shop like normal, what is the point of these people?

Well, the mission of Beautycounter is to get safer products into the hands of everyone. When Gregg Renfrew, founder of Beautycounter, started the company, she knew that the best way to accomplish this mission was going to be person-to-person. Through real life conversations. So, she built a business model that uses educating consultants whose purpose is to educate + advocate for safer products!

These consultants teach their friends + family about why they should care about what is in their products, and how they can go about choosing safer, cleaner products for themselves. If someone asks a consultant about Beautycounter, they will share some of the amazing things about the company + products, and if that person decides Beautycounter is right for them - amazing! But, if they decided Beautycoutner isn’t for them, then they will go out + choose other products that are safe + clean that WILL work for them. And if that happens, that is equally amazing! 

Because this is the whole mission of Beautycounter. To help educate + lead people toward choosing safer products! 

What Beautycounter Is for Me

When I started sharing about the swaps I’m making + what I’m learning, Beautycounter naturally came up  — it is what I am using + loving for my skincare! And on top of loving their products, I am so impressed by their mission, advocacy work and support of female entrepreneurs… so I have decided to actually pursue the ‘consultant’ side of Beautycounter. But, I want to make one thing clear! My heart isn’t to try to convince you to buy a product that you haven’t researched + decided is best for you. I really just want to share our journey to cleaner living, and Beautycounter is one of the ways we’re doing it!

If you message me about Beautycounter, I’ll answer your questions + give you information in the same way that I would if you were to ask about any other product or brand I’m using + loving! If you decide the products for you, that’s amazing — we’ll try to figure out how to get you the best deal. ;-) 

But, I know Beautycounter isn’t for everyone. I’m not gonna pretend like this is the ONLY or BEST option for makeup and skin care! It’s just what I personally am using. If you have questions, please feel free to ask! 

If You’re Interested in Beautycounter…

I would love to chat with you! If you aren’t sure where to start, I created this Custom Skincare Recommendation Questionnaire where you can answer a few questions + I will send you a list of product recommendations that suit your skin type, budget + needs! Searching for new products can feel overwhelming, especially from a company, like Beautycounter, that offers so much. I would love to help guide you in any way that I can!

Most of the links in this post are affiliate links! That means if you purchase an item using the link, I make a little bit of money without adding any extra cost to you. I really appreciate any time you purchase through these links!

Kieran HookerComment