Why Switch to Clean Products?

If you’ve been following along with me recently on Instagram, you’ve seen that we’ve been making some swaps in our home so that the products we use are healthier, safer and made with natural ingredients. Our goal is to slowly switch out the products we use + eliminate toxins in our home wherever we can!

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Kieran HookerComment
Addilyn Grace's Tenth Month

I can hardly believe that Addilyn Grace is 10 months old. She is growing up right before our eyes. Getting all of this extra time at home with her is a sweet + precious gift! Not much happened in June, other than lots + lots of quality time.

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How to Choose a ‘Safe’ Sunscreen

Let’s talk about sunscreen, friend. By now you probably know that the sun is the leading cause of skin cancer and contributes to skin aging more quickly than it should. So, as we transition into summer + are spending a lot more of our time outside, it is more important than ever to be sure that we are incorporating sun protection into our skincare routine!

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Kieran HookerComment
Addilyn Grace's Ninth Month

I blinked and all of a sudden another month has passed! Today we have so much to celebrate... and the first is that our sweet girl is NINE months old. 😍 What a special month it has been — getting to spend so much extra time watching Addilyn learn and grow. She is smart and determined. Playful and adventurous. Gentle and sweet. Getting to be her momma is the greatest gift of my life and it gets better every single day.

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Hooker Front-Porch Family Portraits | May 2020

Photos by Jessi Nichols Photography.

It has been a weird couple of months, to say the least. Toward the end of March, Erick started working from home — this means that he gets to watch Addie grow + learn more than he ever has. Despite everything that is happening, this truly is such a special time for our family! We are settling into exactly who we are going to be as parents… and we wanted to have some photos taken to document this season of our life. (And, Addie is growing so fast — I’ll never pass up a good opportunity for professional family portraits!)

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Addilyn Grace's Eighth Month

8 months old today... time, please slow down! It is so crazy to me that we started and ended her eighth month with social-distancing guidelines in place. This month Addilyn has ridden in her car seat one time — on a family trip to get a treat from a drive through. The only people other than Erick and I that she has seen in person are the occasional friends we pass on our neighborhood walks. This is such a strange time, for sure, but I will say this... we love all of this extra time we are getting to spend as a family of three!

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Addilyn Grace's Seventh Month

Gosh, we have a 7 month old on our hands! Time is just flying by watching this sweet babe grow up. 😭 Sorry for the long post... I just want to remember everything about this season of having her little!!

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Hooker Family Portraits | March 2020

Photos by Sarah Reaves Photography.

Having our sweetest girl turn 6-months-old feels like the perfect excuse to get some family photos. I am so deeply aware of how fast this season is going by. Life with just one little, having her as my baby. I want to remember these moments — being fresh parents + soaking up every bit of joy it has to offer. These photos are truly a gift to help us remember some of the sweetest days of our lives!

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Addilyn Grace's Sixth Month

Addilyn continues to be the brightest light in our lives and we have LOVED getting to watch her personality come out more and more each month! She has learned so many new skills this month — she’s an expert roller, she can sit up on her own, she can scooch across the floor (but only backwards 😉) AND she is getting SO good at playing!

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Kieran HookerComment
Favorite Children's Books for Valentine’s Day

It is Erick and I’s first Valentine’s Day with a little babe — 2020 is such a special year of firsts for us! I don’t imagine we will be the family who does big gifts to celebrate Valentine’s, but I do think it is super cute to give Addie something little to make her feel special + tell her that we love her.

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Kieran HookerComment
Addilyn Grace's Fifth Month

It’s been FIVE whole months getting to be this sweet baby’s momma! Somehow it feels like she’s been here forever AND like we brought her home just last week. This month has been so much fun. Addilyn is starting to feel wayyyy more like an actual baby — not a tiny newborn anymore! She loves to smile, talk, wiggle and play. Her favorite is when momma + daddy help her stand in our lap and she can grab on to our faces.

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Kieran HookerComment
Addilyn Grace's Fourth Month

Happy New Year... & happy 4 months to our sweet Addilyn Grace! December has been the most fun + full month with our girl yet! I definitely said that at the end of last month's post too... but each month seriously gets better and better! We loved Addilyn as a newborn SO much. I couldn't imagine for a second that it could ever get any better than it was in those first few weeks. But, of course, it has!

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