Addilyn Grace's Third Month

Exactly two years ago Erick asked me to be his wife and today, we celebrate three full months with our adorable and precious DAUGHTER!⁣ This has been such a big month for our Addie girl! She has traveled lots, met so many new friends and family members, started sleeping through the nights and found her voice. She will talk your ear off if you let her and we just love her sweet little squeaky voice! She is not super interested in toys yet... but people and ceiling fans really have her heart.

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Kieran HookerComment
Addilyn Grace's Second Month

I can hardly even believe that we've had this baby girl in our world for two whole months. When people say, "babies don't keep," they aren't lying. Our sweet girl has grown SO much since she turned one month old. At one month, she felt like a little, tiny newborn... and now, she is feeling so much more like a baby! She is growing so stinking fast - she gained three and a half pounds in one month. 3 1/2 POUNDS!

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Kieran HookerComment
Addilyn Grace's First Month

One month ago today this little angel baby came into our lives and changed our whole world. In these last four weeks, I have tasted and seen a whole new depth of the Lord’s goodness in our life. We’ve experienced asupernatural joy and peace that we know can only come from Him! We are so beyond thankful for the gift that Addilyn is - getting to know her and love her is truly the greatest a privilege.

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Addilyn Grace Hooker | Birth Story

I'm sitting here and our little girl is sound asleep in the bassinet next to me. Erick and I have been living in dream land these last few days - soaking up every second of our first few days as a family of three, and of course, enjoying the sweetest newborn cuddles. Addilyn’s birth story was NOTHING like we had planned. She came into this world quickly and unexpectedly - but her birth was so beautiful and showed us so much of the Lords grace and kindness.

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Addilyn Grace's Neutral & Gold Nursery

We are just a few short weeks away from welcoming our sweet little girl into the world (2 1/2 to be exact) and we could not be more excited!!! When we first moved to Anderson, one of the things I was MOST excited to do was turn this room into a nursery for our first little babe. We've been slowly adding furniture & decorations over the months... and this past weekend, we finally added all of the finishing touches! Creating a room for our little girl was one of my very favorite house projects to date. I am so in love with the way the space turned out! I can not wait to spend my days in this room snuggling & rocking her to sleep, changing many (many!) diapers, and watching her grow through the years!

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Addilyn's Maternity Photos | August 2019

Just over a month ago we met up with Charlotte in a field right outside of Anderson to take our maternity pictures! It feels so surreal to even say that. All week long we anticipated these photos - the weather looked like it was going to be perfect. Just as we arrived at the location, the rain started coming down... while it was still sunny! It was already pretty tough to find an evening for Erick to come home from work early to take these photos... so, we just went with it! And I am so glad we did. The session ended up being SO much fun and the photos turned out gorgeous!

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The New Hooker Home!

I can hardly believe I am typing these words...We bought a house... in South Carolina!For those of you who haven't seen on social media - Erick and I moved! We packed up our little life and townhome in Charlotte, NC and headed further south to become SC's newest residents! These past few weeks have been a whirlwind to say the least... packing, updating licenses, packing, changing car registrations, PACKING. BUT, I am beyond thrilled to say we're officially settled (mostly) into our new home in Anderson, SC!

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