Posts in Family Photos
Addilyn's 18-Month Heirloom Portraits

From the second I held Addilyn on the day she was born, I became keenly aware of how quickly the moments would pass. Especially in these little years, the days seem to blur together. Each morning snuggle, messy snack, and bedtime story brings a reminder of how quickly everything changes. A reminder that these moments are fleeting + sacred. These photos help us never struggle to remember just how precious these days are!

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Hooker Family Self-Portraits | November 2020

I kept telling Erick that I just wanted ONE photo of us all smiling at the camera. That’s a hard feat when there’s no one jumping up and down behind it trying to get Addie’s attention! When we got home and I started clicking through the photos... I realized that these are a TREASURE. We have years and years ahead of us where we’ll get a simple, smiling family photo. But we won’t always have a fiery, energetic, silly toddler with a BIG personality! She is a joy and a delight in this season — these photos honestly capture what she’s like 24/7. We are so lucky to get to call this sweetest, angel girl ours!

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Hooker Front-Porch Family Portraits | May 2020

Photos by Jessi Nichols Photography.

It has been a weird couple of months, to say the least. Toward the end of March, Erick started working from home — this means that he gets to watch Addie grow + learn more than he ever has. Despite everything that is happening, this truly is such a special time for our family! We are settling into exactly who we are going to be as parents… and we wanted to have some photos taken to document this season of our life. (And, Addie is growing so fast — I’ll never pass up a good opportunity for professional family portraits!)

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Hooker Family Portraits | March 2020

Photos by Sarah Reaves Photography.

Having our sweetest girl turn 6-months-old feels like the perfect excuse to get some family photos. I am so deeply aware of how fast this season is going by. Life with just one little, having her as my baby. I want to remember these moments — being fresh parents + soaking up every bit of joy it has to offer. These photos are truly a gift to help us remember some of the sweetest days of our lives!

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Addilyn's Maternity Photos | August 2019

Just over a month ago we met up with Charlotte in a field right outside of Anderson to take our maternity pictures! It feels so surreal to even say that. All week long we anticipated these photos - the weather looked like it was going to be perfect. Just as we arrived at the location, the rain started coming down... while it was still sunny! It was already pretty tough to find an evening for Erick to come home from work early to take these photos... so, we just went with it! And I am so glad we did. The session ended up being SO much fun and the photos turned out gorgeous!

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