How We're Celebrating Valentine's Day with a Toddler (+ Simple Non-Candy Last Minute Class Valentines)

February is officially here — one of my favorite months of the year! Between Valentine’s Day and my birthday, it’s always a month full of the sweetest celebration. And since having kids, it’s been even sweeter!

Addilyn is at the most fun age (2.5 in March) for celebrations. She is blindly excited about anything that we seem excited about! I already know that Valentine’s Day is going to be one of her favorite holidays yet — she loves gifts, decorations, fun food, treats, and of course, pink.

How We’re Celebrating Valentine’s Day with Our Toddler

I certainly love any excuse to decorate and celebrate… so Valentine’s day is extra fun for me. Here are a few things we’re doing to celebrate in our family…

Reading Valentine’s Books

We have a photo ledge in our playroom to display our seasonal books. On February 1st, we swapped out all of the books on it for love-themed books! I put together a list of some of my favorite Valentine’s books for children. This is such an easy way to get in the holiday spirit!

Decorating on Valentine’s Day morning

I wish I had the energy to keep the house decorated all of February, but with two tiny people to look after, one day of decorations it is. ;-) On Valentine’s morning, Addie will walk out to paper hearts on her bedroom door telling her all the reasons we love her. Then, we will have our most festive breakfast table set up! Think pink tablecloth, heart-shaped plates, red and white balloons. It doesn’t have to be anything over the top to set the tone of celebrating!

Save the above graphic to your Pinterest so you can reference back to this post!

Having a “Love Brunch”

The first thing we do on Valentine’s Day will be to sit down as a family for a “love brunch.” We’ll have heart-shaped pancakes, pink sprinkles, strawberries, pink lemonade — of course, all of the best brunches include extra sugar. ;-)

Daddy Daughter Date Night

On February 14th, Addie will get all dressed up to go on a special date with her daddy. He will put on a nice shirt, knock on the door to pick her up, and give her some flowers. They’ll likely head out to Chick-Fil-A to enjoy Addie’s favorite meal — chicken nuggets + french fries.

Giving Out Valentine’s to Addie’s Little Friends

Addie is at the SUPER fun age where she knows who all of her little friends are. Every single time we get in the car, she asks if we are going to “see friends?” When we were making their Valentine’s, she listed off all of their names and drew a special picture on the back of each card. Since Addie is not in preschool, closer to Valentine’s Day we will go around and drop them off in mailboxes!

Homemade Valentine’s for Toddlers

We have a sweet friend in town who owns a paper goods shop called Lighter Note. This year, she launched a set of the CUTEST Kid's Classroom Valentine's. Addie, of course, was crazy about the bee, bear, and bunny designs! After she listed a friend’s name, she picked out which Valentine she wanted to give to them. It was as cute as it sounds. ;-) We punched a hole in the top of the cards and tied a little string around a bag of Hershey kisses! We keep these clear party favor bags on hand for little treats like this. They worked perfectly!

Simple Last Minute Class Valentines for Toddlers

Unfortunately, my friend Kelsey’s cute little Valentine’s Day cards are sold out… but I wanted to share some sweet, printable Valentine options you can use for your kids this year! Since you just download a printable file and attach a little treat, these are perfect to put together at the last minute. All of the ideas below are non-candy Valentine’s for toddlers — this makes them perfect to hand out at preschool!

You Are Awesome-Sauce

From EvergreenAshDesigns on Etsy

You Are A-Doh-Able

From TexasMamaDesigns on Etsy

You Are A-Maze-Ing

From IMteamDesigns on Etsy

Hope Your Valentine’s Day is Poppin’ with Fun

From CadencePaige on Etsy

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