Everett Troy's Second Month


Two months already?! This little guy has settled so well into our little family. He truly is the happiest baby around! He smiles + coos all day long — at me + Erick, at his sister, at the puppies, at his toys… he isn’t shy to share his sweet gummy smile. 😉 He’s eating and growing like a champ, and starting to sleep longer stretches. Overall, life with two kids has been the most fun we’ve had yet! 


  • We kicked off Rhett’s second month in a BIG way with Addie’s birthday party weekend! We had all of the family in town, and Rhett finally got to meet his aunts, uncles, and cousins! He was a superstar baby through the craziness (as usual). He napped right in the carrier through Addie’s whole party, and was so smiley when he got to meet everyone! Speaking of…

  • One of Rhett’s most note-worthy traits is how HAPPY he is! He smiles, and talks, and kicks his legs… all. day. long. We truly believe he is going to be our biggest social butterfly!

  • We took the whole family to a wedding for the very first time and it was SO fun. We really are starting to get a hang of life as a family of four! It feels so sweet to get a glimpse of what this new season of life will look like — toting around two small babes.

  • We got to have a few more weeks of special one-on-one time together while Addie went to preschool before I went back to work. Those were some of the most special days of my life, truly! The rhythm of snuggling my babes, loving on them, feels like exactly what I’m supposed to be doing.

  • Addie started to become more and more interested in her little brother throughout the month. She always tries to share her snacks — yesterday she didn’t understand why the baby didn’t want any cheese. She gives him her favorite bedtime stuffies when it’s time for him to nap. She loves to pat his head and rub his belly while she says, “awww baby.” (But don’t worry, as sweet as she is, she definitely doesn’t like him accidentally touching her — “NO BABY, NO TOUCH.” 😂)

  • We took Rhett’s first big road trip up to Raleigh for a wedding! He did amazing — slept the whole entire way. He even got to make an appearance at the rehearsal dinner, which of course, everyone loved. We are still so impressed by how chill and go-with-the-flow he is!

  • He got to meet his Nannie + Papa (great grandparents) this month, which felt so special. We pray that both Addie and Rhett have some special memories with them over the next few years!

  • We got out and about a LOT this month. To the zoo, to the apple orchard, to the park, to Target… each trip only confirms what we already know — Everett is the chillest baby we’ve ever met. He naps great on the go, and hardly ever fusses! With a busy toddler, this trait is a gift that we don’t take lightly.

  • This month, Rhett GREW! He is well into his 3-6 month clothes, rocking size 2 diapers, and outgrew his bassinet. Sometimes it’s easy for us to forget that he is still only 2 months old, because he feels like such a bigger baby!

Everett — starting to get a glimpse of your little personality this month has been such a gift. I am so excited to watch you grow + become the man that God is calling you to be. ❤️




Getting to be their mom is the adventure of a lifetime and I am so incredibly grateful that God chose me to be the one who gets to love and squeeze them forever.

Addie + Rhett were so excited to get to celebrate the new Mr. + Mrs. Barrett!!! Lauren + Austin — we can’t wait to see all that the Lord has in store for you as you step into this new season of marriage! The Hookers are always cheering you on and in your corner!!!

Just walked out of a pediatrician appointment and I’m dropping in to say that this little buddy is still in the 99.9th percentile for both height and head size.

Our littlest buddy is 6 weeks old today.

I cried when I opened up this picture because he already looks so much older. But at the same time, his new little smiles and coos in the last two weeks have melted me. And that feels like the biggest tug on my momma heart — loving every single part of watching them grow up, but wanting them to stay little forever. If you need me, I’ll be over here trying to make time stand still so I can kiss his newborn cheeks for a little bit longer.

What an incredible honor it is to have been gifted these two kiddos to raise. As lifelong friends and teammates! It’s already been such a treasure to watch Addie becomes more and more fascinated with her baby brother every day.

She always tries to share her snacks — yesterday she didn’t understand why the baby didn’t want any cheese. She gives him her favorite bedtime stuffies when it’s time for him to nap. She loves to pay his head and rub his belly while she says, “awww baby.” (But don’t worry, as sweet as she is, she definitely doesn’t like him accidentally touching her — “NO BABY, NO TOUCH.” )

There will surely be plenty of ups and downs through the years, but I pray every day for the wisdom, patience, and strength to raise these two to know they’re better together.



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