Everett Troy's First Month


I’ve had to sit down a handful of times to write this because I can’t quite put into words how precious this past month has been to us. I can hardly believe we’re already here! These first few weeks with Everett have truly been some of the sweetest we’ve gotten to experience yet. Having him here with us feels so right — like the piece of our family we didn’t know was missing.


  • We only spent 24 hours in the hospital, so it was a whirlwind! Rhett had some initial issues stabilizing his blood sugar, so we had nurses in our room every hour while we were there. It was tiring, to say the least.

  • Addilyn + Everett getting to meet was truly one of the top 5 moments of my life. Addilyn was so delicate and curious about her new little brother. Pointing out all of his tiny little features. She even asked to “take it” (hold him). We placed him in her lap and she was just in awe of him… until she was done, then she promptly pushed him off her lap - LOL.

  • We had to take Everett to the pediatrician’s office every single day in his first week of life for jaundice checks. They would get better, then worse, then better. Until…

  • We had to keep Rhett in a bili-blanket at home for 72 straight hours. It was really, really hard. We couldn’t hold + snuggle him as much as we wanted to. Changing his diaper and feeding him was more complicated. It was 3 days that I would not want to relive.

  • In Rhett’s first 2 weeks, Addie got lots of extra special attention! Between having Ita + Papa here while we were at the hospital, and then Grandma for the first week Everett was alive… she was not short on attention. We also made sure to have some extra special activities for her! She got to make homemade pizza, play with shaving cream on the counter, and go on special ice cream dates.

  • We broke free from the bili-blanket just in time to get our newborn photos done! It was a sweet adventure. Addie was busy, busy, busy (as usual) and Rhett was the sweetest, most content little guy ever. I wasn’t sure if we got any good photos due to Addie’s disinterest in photos… but thankfully, Courtney worked her magic and they turned out stunning!

  • Addie started preschool! This has less to do with Rhett’s first month and more to do with a big transition for our family. ;-) Rhett did get to tag along for preschool orientation, meet-the-teacher, and drop-in day, though! All while he was just two weeks old. This little guy is going to learn to love life on the go pretty quickly!

  • In Rhett’s first month, we spent lots of quality time at home. With Addie at preschool, we got some of the sweetest one-on-one time.

  • Towards the end of the month, Rhett started to show off his sweet, gummy smile! Even the doctor mentioned that she doesn’t normally get to see smiles + hear coos from babies this small. It truly does my momma heart good!

  • We celebrated Addie’s second birthday — another big day on-the-go for Rhett! He did amazing.

  • Right at 4-weeks-old, we took our first family trip to church. It was so sweet to get out and be with some of our favorite people. And to settle in to our new “normal” as a family of four at church!

  • Rhett carries a very similar demeanor to his sister at this age. So CALM and peaceful. He is extremely go-with-the-flow and hardly ever cries.

  • I feel extremely blessed that Rhett is an AMAZING eater. Breastfeeding came pretty naturally for him, which feels like a major win after how tough it was with Addie in the beginning!

  • Just like his sister, he is also a stellar napper. He can nap anytime, anywhere. We just wrap him up tight in his swaddle, pop him down, and he’s out! Not a fuss about it. The same is true at night! We’re getting about 4 hour stretches, but when he wakes to eat, it’s strictly business. He nurses and goes right back to sleep like a champ!

Everett Troy — you are already proving to be our steady, peaceful, smiley little man! Getting to watch you grow this month has been such a special gift, and we can’t wait to see all that lies ahead in your life. We pray daily that you grow up to be faithful and steadfast in all that you do. That you will be a man of both strength and peace!


The sweetest photo to remind us of Everett’s first day of life… and our last few hours caring for just one little babe!

We made it home yesterday with just enough time to introduce Addie to Everett, eat dinner and do Addie’s bedtime routine with her. So… this morning begins our first real day as parents of two sweet kiddos!

The last chapter — becoming parents and learning the ropes with just one baby to love — was the greatest gift of our lives. But, I have a feeling this next chapter will be even sweeter.

Our kids. The sweetest gift we’ve ever been given.

Addilyn came into our lives at the most perfect time and filled our home with unspeakable joy. She was exactly who we needed in our family first! And now that her brother, Everett, is here, we are excited and expectant to see who he becomes — what little personality the Lord saw fit to add to our home!

Our deepest prayer for them as siblings is that they would grow to learn that family is a gift. They are truly teammates and friends for life! We pray that God will give us the grace and guidance to help nurture their relationship through the years. Man, what a high calling and deep privilege we have to raise these two!

Our babies like to keep us on our toes (and pull at momma’s heart strings ) — with both babes, we’ve had to visit the pediatrician every day for their first week of life. With Addie, she was born so tiny + then lost a bit too much weight… and then struggled to nurse/gain. With this little guy, he had a tough time keeping his blood sugar levels up + now is struggling to get his jaundice levels down. Lots of sad heel pricks for him.

Newborn life is a wild ride. Parenthood in general is a wild ride.

But, after getting through all the tough parts with Addie, we know it will all pass. It feels overwhelming and never-ending as we walk through it, but as a result, we’re learning that we can’t rely on ourselves. Truly, all we have to do is rely on God. (2 Corin. 1:8-10)

This journey is allowed to be BOTH challenging AND sweet at the same time. And we’ve seen that the tough parts are what have grown our hearts as parents AND our understanding of God’s love and grace more than anything else. (Eph. 3:16-19)

If you’re in the thick of it, we’re right there with you. It’s hard. And sometimes full of tears. But it passes. The challenges change. The joy grows deeper. It’s all part of the wild, wonderful, sanctifying journey of parenthood. Having no option but to grow and lean into a deeper dependence on Him daily.

“God knew that our calling would be so huge and our weakness so deep that the only thing that would help us was himself. So in an act of incredible grace, he has unbuttoned us and gotten inside of us. Now think about this as a parent. This God who has the ability to do things that are way beyond your ability to conceive, who has perfect wisdom and unlimited strength, right now lives inside of you.” - Paul David Tripp

One full week as the sweetest big sister! Addilyn Grace, we tell you this every single day but feel it even more deeply now — you are a treasure to us. Our oldest, our daughter, our sweetest little friend.

Getting to watch you learn and discover your little brother, watching his moves closely and checking on him often, has been so sweet. You are tender, gentle and loving. All things you’ve always been… but man, how sweet it’s been to watch those traits come out toward your baby brother!

I know this time of transition is different than you’re used to. Your momma and dada have their hands a little more full than normal. You‘ve been so patient with us as we learn. And what a special gift it is to have your sweet and precious smiles, kisses and hugs every day!

Addie girl, we love you forever. The ways our hearts have already been able to expand in this short time is a mystery to us. To love Everett just as fiercely as we love you, but somehow also, to love you even more.

My two best guys. Father and son. Getting to watch these two grow together is going to be the sweetest gift. Seeing Erick be a father to our girl, and now to our sweet boy, brings me so much joy. He is tender and patient. Present and engaged. Literally rearranged his whole life and career so that he could be with our family more. As I write this post, he’s on his way home to pack Addie up and take her on a little daddy-daughter date. What a treasure he is in our family. Our hero. The the best guy I know.

Currently sitting somewhere between — “it’s already been 2 weeks?!” and “it’s only been 2 weeks??”

The last two weeks have been wild and full and fast — we’ve gone to a million pediatrician appointments, changed a lot of diapers, slept little, tried to juggle a busy toddler and a newborn… and on top of that, Erick has jumped back into work and Addie started preschool! SO much has happened in such a short amount of time.

Time is such a strange thing. Somehow we blinked and it’s already been two weeks… but, at the same time, it’s already starting to feel like Everett has been with us forever. Having him here feels natural and right. Some moments I reallllly feel like we’re in the thick of it. Sleep deprived, recovering from birth, caring for a newborn and a VERY toddler toddler… but then other moments, I feel like we’re starting to settle in. We get glimpses of what our new “normal” is going to look like, and man, it’s sweet. I’m really trying to lean into every party of it — the sweet, the messy, the hard, the emotional — because I know just how fast it all goes. I’ve already cried a lot thinking about how he won’t be a tiny newborn forever. (Real Talk: Someone tell me how you cope with your kids growing up out of the baby phase — because currently, the only solution seems like having more babies. )

Oh, Everett. Our sweet boy. I still can’t believe you’re here. You are the perfect fit for our family and your momma, daddy + sissy love you so much!

“Every day when the sun rises high, the warmth that you feel is God's love by your side. Oh, and just like the birds who keep humming their tune, remember God sings songs of joy over you! Don't forget to remember you're never alone, no matter if you are up high or down low. And as sure as the sun will keep rising above, don’t forget to remember that you're dearly loved.” // Ellie Holcomb

This is one of the many songs we’re singing over you, little buddy. Praying daily for the strength and wisdom to shepherd your little heart as you grow — the very best job we‘ve ever be given!

We did it!!! We made it to church for the first time with a 2-year-old and a 4-week-old. Everyone was dressed, fed, and happy! We even left in time to stop for iced coffee on the way to celebrate. Erick, I think we make a pretty good team. Let’s keep having babies forever.




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